2009: Illustrator and ‘creature designer’ Kevin Bannister

Floris: "I'm sure you know those lazy Sunday afternoons where you’re just browsing around a bit on your iPad. On one of those afternoons, I landed at a gallery on the outskirts of Los Angeles. They had all kinds of cool posters, but some original works as well. I was immediately drawn to a pencil drawing of a man, or more accurately a man's legs, walking an alien. And one of the alien as well, only the legs could be seen. Love at first sight of course, go figure. I ordered the drawing and it arrived a few weeks later.

In the meantime, I had looked into the artist a bit more. His name was Kevin Bannister and back then he called himself 'creature designer'. I pretty much loved everything he had ever drawn. On his website, I noticed that he offered bespoke work as well. So I gathered my courage and sent him an email, asking if he'd like to draw an advertisement for us. Kevin was excited about the idea, and I gave him complete carte blanche. The result of that is the image below, a shoe surrounded by monsters. When Kevin emailed me his design, he added the following sentence as explanation: “The idea is that these shoes are so cool, so skull-crushingly BITCHIN’, that it singes and burns the flesh of the monsters and beasties trying to get a little closer to bask in its coolness." I loved that quote so much that I added it as a footnote on the bottom of the ad.

Throughout the years, Kevin has drawn quite a few more monsters for all kinds of purposes for us. the most special ones are probably the four family trees he drew. Family trees are of course a bit boring, but for our company it's a great way to show that we've been making shoes for nine generations already. Kevin's designs made those family trees not just informative, but cool as well."


"Throughout the years, Kevin has drawn quite a few more monsters for all kinds of purposes for us. the most special ones are probably the four family trees he drew."